String and Characters String and Characters
A string is a series of characters, such as “hello, world” or “albatross”. Swift strings are represented by the String t
2019-09-09 志鹏
2019-09-08 志鹏
SwiftBasicOperators SwiftBasicOperators
Basic OperatorsAn operator is a special symbol or phrase that you use to check, change, or combine values.Swift supports
2019-08-30 志鹏
可变字典中setValue:forKey和setObject:forKey的区别 可变字典中setValue:forKey和setObject:forKey的区别
可变字典中setValue:forKey和setObject:forKey的区别在开发过程中,使用字典的频率也是非常高的,也经常会遇到一个类似-[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKe
2019-08-28 志鹏
UIStackView UIStackView
2019-08-27 志鹏
Attributes Attributes
AttributesThere are two kinds of attributes in Swift—those that apply to declarations and those that apply to types. An
2019-08-23 志鹏
Methods Methods
MethodsMethods are functions that are associated with a particular type. Classes, structures, and enumerations can all d
2019-08-23 志鹏
设置tableview Section的圆角样式 设置tableview Section的圆角样式
参考文档:设置不同section中cell的圆角UITableView对每一组(section)设置圆角Swift - 实现tableView中section分组圆角效果2(含有分区头、尾的情况 自定义collectionLayout横向排
2019-08-21 志鹏
Properties Properties
Properties associate values with a particular class, structure, or enumeration.Stored properties store constant and vari
2019-08-20 志鹏
Comparing Structures and Classes Comparing Structures and Classes
Comparing Structures and ClassesStructures and classes in Swift have many things in common. Both can: Define properties
2019-08-19 志鹏
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