



动词 名词
be born 出生 birth 出生
graduate 毕业 graduation 毕业
marry 结婚 marriage 婚姻
get promoted 升职 promotion 升职
retire 退休 retirement 退休
die 去世 death 死亡

Graduate 也可用作名词,意思是刚刚大学毕业的毕业生。


married    已婚  
retired      退休的  
dead     过世了



  • 请用这些规则的 -ed 动词的过去式来谈谈一生中的大事。
graduate - graduated     graduate - graduated (毕业)
retire - retired           retire - retired (退休)
die - died                 die - died (逝世)
  • 这里有些您可以使用的不规则的动词过去式
be born - was/were born     be born - was/were born (出生)
say my first word - said my first word    say my first word - said my first word(说出我的第一句话)
grow up - grew up    grow up - grew up (长大)
become an adult - became an adult      become an adult - became an adult (成为成年人)
get a job - got a job    get a job - got a job (找到一份工作)
  • 请用was/were + not + 动词原形, or did + not + 动词原形造一个过去时态的否定句。
I wasn't born in a hospital.    我不是在医院出生的。
I didn't get promoted.    我并没有得升职。
  • 请用was/were + 主语 + 动词原形, 或 did + 主语 + 动词原形造一个过去时态的疑问句。
A: Where were you born?
B: I was born in Seoul.     您是在哪出生的?

A: Where did you grow up?
B: I grew up in Belgium.    您在哪儿长大?

用 ‘Get’ 表述人生事件


  • 请用get 与这些词语谈谈关系的里程碑。
get married    结婚
get pregnant    怀孕
get divorced    离婚
get over a relationship    走出一段感情
  • 请用 get 与这些词谈谈生活及事业的里程碑。
get a degree    获得学位
get a job    得到一份工作
get promoted    升职
get fired    被解雇
get a driver's license    考取驾照
get old    变老



I first traveled abroad when I was 15. (15 岁时,我第一次出国旅行。)

I got my first car when I was 17. (17 岁时,我买了第一辆车。)

I moved out of my parents’ house when I was 18. (18 岁时,我搬出了父母的房子。)

I moved away from home when I was 18. (18 岁时,我离开了家乡。)

I got my first apartment with my best friend. (我和我的好朋友找到了我的第一间公寓。)

I met the love of my life when I was 22. (22 岁时,我遇到了一生中的挚爱。)

We fell in love and got married. (我们相恋,然后结婚。)

We had our first child when I was 25. (在我 25 岁时,我们有了第一个孩子。)

We had our first grandchild when I was 46. (在我 46 岁时,我们有了第一个孙儿。)

after’ 引导的从句

与 ‘when’ 引导的从句一样,由 ‘after’ 引导的从句也为句子补充有关时间的信息。

After I moved out of my parents’ house, I got my first apartment. (在搬出父母的房子后,我找到了自己的第一间公寓。)
I got my first apartment after I moved out of my parents’ house. (在搬出父母的房子后,我找到了自己的第一间公寓。)

与 ‘when’ 引导的从句一样,如果句子以 ‘after’ 引导的从句起句,则用逗号 (,) 与句子其余部分分隔。如 ‘after’ 引导的从句位于结尾,则无需使用逗号。




Can you send me your resume? 你可以把你的简历发给我吗?
There are many candidates for this job. 申请该职位的求职者有很多。
I’m very interested in the position. 我对这一职位很感兴趣。
I have an appointment to talk to the manager. 我和那位经理约好了谈一谈。
I have an interview on Thursday. 我星期四有一个面试。
This is a really good opportunity for me. 对我来说,这是一个很好的机会。


Do you have any teaching experience? 你有过教学经验吗?
Could you talk about your education? 你可以谈谈你的教育背景吗?
What are your strengths? 你有什么优点?
What is your greatest weakness? 你最大的缺点是什么?
Tell me about your work background. 跟我说说你的工作经历。


Could you come back for a second interview? 你可以再来参加第二次面试吗?
I’d like to introduce you to the other people on the team. 我要把你介绍给团队中的其他人认识。
How is February 1st as a start date? 从二月一日开始怎么样?


  • 当你到达面试地点时,先表明你来的原因。然后,感谢面试人的接见。

I have a 3 o’clock job interview with Ken Smith. 我三点钟和 Ken Smith 有一个工作面试。
Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Smith. 谢谢您见我,Smith 先生。
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you. 谢谢您给我见您的机会。

  • 面试人将就你的简历提出一些后续问题。请相应回答。

Interviewer: I see that you got your MBA from The Wharton School. 我看到你获得了沃顿商学院的 MBA 学位。
Candidate: Yes, it was a wonderful program. 是的,这是一个非常好的项目。

Interviewer: I see that you’re currently working at DBX Systems. Why are you thinking of leaving? (我看到,你目前在 DBX Systems 公司就职。为什么想离开?)
Candidate: Well, to be honest, the work isn’t very challenging. (哦,坦白来讲,这份工作并不难。)

  • 谈论你的缺点时,一个策略是从正面角度入手,比如工作太拼命,让缺点不成为缺点。

Interviewer: What do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

Candidate: Well, I am a very hard worker, but sometimes I work too much.


Interviewer: I’d like you to talk with some other members of the team. Also, are you OK with the start date?

Candidate: That sounds great and, yes, the start date works for me. Thank you again for meeting with me.


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